Infant 2

12 Months – 18 Months

Welcome to our Infant 2 Classroom.

Low Ratios. Infants deserve our very best. With our low teacher to infant ratio- it allows our teachers to provide a safer, higher quality atmosphere for your little one.

A soothing environment. Our classrooms have a home away from home feel, with soft colors, natural light and loving teachers to guide them throughout the day.

Defined areas. The room is divided into separate areas for sleeping, playing, eating, and changing diapers. That way, everything and everyone stays clean and safe, and offers a quiet space for children to nap.

Secure open spaces. Our spacious classroom allows your child the opportunity to move and grove without restrictions. We offer a variety of surfaces and textures for your little one to explore without being in a device or carrier for long periods of time—we believe in freedom of movement.

Natural, beautiful materials. While we also offer plastic materials (they work best for teething babies) we strive to provide your child with many types of textures to explore during their time at school. Natural materials enhance your babies curiosity and their senses.

Child-size furniture. Chairs, tables, and shelves are sturdy, safe, and the right size for babies so they can be more independent as they start crawling or walking.